Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Overseas qualified Chinese medicine practitioners
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Overseas qualified Chinese medicine practitioners

New Zealand applicants

Chinese medicine practitioners who have current registration and an Annual practising certificate as a Chinese medicine practitioner in New Zealand can apply for registration as a Chinese medicine practitioner in Australia under the Commonwealth Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997.

The division(s) you are applying for in Australia must correspond with the type of registration you hold in New Zealand. The following scopes of practice have an equivalent registration division in Australia:

  • Acupuncturist
  • Chinese herbal medicine practitioner

There are no equivalent registration divisions in Australia for the following scopes of practice in New Zealand:

  • Chinese medicine practitioner - Specialist;
  • Chinese massage (tuina) practitioner; and
  • Chinese Medicine Practitioner – Special Purpose

Please apply using the Application for Trans-Tasman mutual recognition as a Chinese medicine practitioner - ATMR-86 form available on the Forms page.

Applicants for registration under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition must also ensure they are familiar with the Board’s registration standards and codes and guidelines.

Applicants with qualifications and/or practice experience from New Zealand but who are not currently registered in New Zealand cannot register under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition and must meet the requirements for other overseas applicants.

Overseas applicants

You must apply as an overseas qualified applicant if you have:

  • obtained an initial Chinese medicine qualification in a country outside Australia
  • not completed an approved qualification leading to registration in Australia, and
  • not held registration in Australia before

Application fees

Applicants are required to pay an application fee and a registration fee. All the Board’s fees are published on the schedule of fees

Registration and employment as a Chinese medicine practitioner in Australia

You must hold registration with the Board prior to taking up practice or employment as an acupuncturist, Chinese herbal medicine practitioner or Chinese herbal dispenser in Australia. We recommend that you do not apply for work or set up a practice until your registration eligibility is assessed and confirmed. Please note Ahpra and the Board cannot assist you in seeking employment or influence employment outcomes.

Recommended pathway to registration in Australia for overseas qualified Chinese medicine practitioners

Assess your ability to meet the registration requirements

Assess your ability to meet any immigration requirements

Fill in application form AGOS 86 and provide all required documents to AHPRA

The Board will assess whether you meet the requirements for registration

Granted general registration

Begin working

Find out more about meeting the registration requirements and applying for registration.

Further information is also available on the fact sheets and FAQ and on the international practitioners page of the Ahpra website. 

Page reviewed 18/04/2024