Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Practitioner webinar 7 December 2023
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Practitioner webinar 7 December 2023

Practitioner webinar 7 December 2023

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) hosted a webinar on Chinese medicine regulation for all practitioners and stakeholders on 7 December 2023. Members of the Board delivered a presentation on the regulatory role of the Board and its committees, registrant data and information on notifications.

This video is a recording of the webinar as delivered.

You can also download the presentation slides:

Chinese Medicine Board presentation - Practitioner webinar - 07122023  (2.32 MB,PDF)

The Board invited participants to submit any questions they had regarding the regulation of Chinese medicine. Many of these were answered during the webinar and can be viewed in the video above. Below are the responses to questions that were not answered during the webinar.


Participant questions

Please refer to the section 4.2 and 4.3 of the Board’s Code of conduct, which explains expectations in relation to consent for children and vulnerable communities.

The Board has no authority in the area of health care funding. The functions and powers under the National Law relate to public safety only insofar as the Board regulates individual practitioners to ensure that those practitioners are safe to practice.

The Board included the requirement in the CPD registration standard for practitioners to include at least four CPD hours related to professional issues each year as it is important that practitioners understand and review the current requirements for practice of Chinese medicine in Australia. The minimum number of total hours does not change depending on the number of divisions you are registered in, however your learning goals should reflect your practice.

Acupuncturists who are not also registered as Chinese herbal medicine practitioners are not able to prescribe or dispense herbal medicines. Chinese herbal medicine practitioners do not need to be registered as dispensers in order to dispense Chinese herbal medicines to their own patients/clients as part of normal practice.

Guidance on prescribing Chinese herbal medicines can be found in the Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice.

The National Law is based on the protection of specific professional titles and not defining the scope of practice of a registered practitioner. However, a complaint can be made to Ahpra if a person practices, promotes or advertises dry needling in such a way that it could be interpreted that the person is registered as an acupuncturist under the National Law, since ‘acupuncturist’ is a protected title.

If you have concerns about the safety of the public due to specific unregistered health care professionals providing dry needling services, they can be reported to the relevant State or Territory health complaints entity. If it is considered that a person’s activity in providing dry needling is unsafe (for example infection control issues, mismanaging a patient’s personal information, unsafe care) or unprofessional (for example racist or sexist behaviour), a complaint can be made to Ahpra if that person is a registered health practitioner. You can look up a practitioner on the Ahpra website to check if they are qualified and registered.

The Board is firm in its belief that practitioners registered as acupuncturists provide safe and effective care and has planned a campaign to highlight the benefits of seeing a registered Chinse medicine practitioner.

In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulates complementary medicines (including Chinese herbal medicines).

You can download the participant questions here:

Practitioner webinar 7 December 2023 Questions and answers (99.8 KB, DOCX)

Page reviewed 20/02/2025