Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Joint Communiqué from the Board
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Joint Communiqué from the Board

02 Jul 2019

Communique from the Board - Joint Communique with Professional Associations

As part of the Board’s communication strategy, the Board considers it mutually beneficial to the Board and to the Associations representing Chinese medicine to establish regular, more formalised contact, perhaps through an annual meeting, where issues of common interest can be discussed and explored. To start this process, the Board held the first meeting on 10 May 2019. Participants found the opportunity to exchange information very useful. It will be repeated annually or it could be more frequently if any urgent issue arises. Attached is a joint communique from that first meeting.

Chinese Medicine Board - Communique - Meeting with professional associations May 2019 (114 KB,PDF) Word version (710 KB,DOCX)


Page reviewed 2/07/2019