Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Chinese Medicine Board of Australia fees set for 2016/17
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Chinese Medicine Board of Australia fees set for 2016/17

01 Sep 2016

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) has decided that the national registration fee for Chinese medicine practitioners for 2016/17 will remain the same as in the previous year.

The Board has frozen the registration fee at $579. It will cover the registration period for most practitioners of 1 December 2016 to 30 November 2017.

The fee for practitioners whose principal place of practice is NSW is $500.1

A full fee schedule, including the fee arrangements for practitioners whose principal place of practice is NSW, will be published on the Board’s website.

The National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) is funded by practitioners’ registration fees. The decision to keep the fee frozen ensures practitioners are not unduly burdened, but still provides sufficient income to allow the Board to carry out its duties and protecting the public.

Board Chair, Professor Charlie Xue, said the Board was pleased it could maintain the freeze on fees for the second consecutive year while fulfilling its obligations as a national regulator.

‘Our recent forums are an example of the Board reaching out to discuss a wide range of issues with practitioners, students and other stakeholders, and an opportunity to deepen its understanding of the profession it regulates,’ Professor Xue said.

The Board will also shortly publish the Health Profession Agreement (HPA). The HPA provides information about the Board’s financial operations, outlines the partnership between the Board and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), and the services AHPRA will provide to the Board to regulate Chinese medicine.

For more information

  • Lodge an online enquiry form
  • For registration enquiries: 1300 419 495 (within Australia) +61 3 9275 9009 (overseas callers)
  • For media enquiries: (03) 8708 9200

Download a PDF of this Media release - Chinese Medicine Board of Australia fees set for 2016-17 - 1 September 2016 (108 KB,PDF)

1NSW is a co-regulatory jurisdiction. This means NSW manages the complaints about NSW-based Chinese medicine practitioners through the Chinese Medicine Council of NSW (the Council). The Council effectively performs the same functions as the Board’s Registration and Notifications Committee with respects to notifications, in relation to NSW complaints only.

The NSW Government partially funds this co-regulatory function and for Chinese medicine, a subsidisation is passed onto registered Chinese medicine practitioners whose principal place of practice is NSW. This is balanced, however, against the cost of NSW managing complaints within any of the professions.

This arrangement was a decision of the NSW parliament for all regulated health care professions including Chinese medicine.

For more information please contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on (02) 9219 7444 or visit the HCCC website.

Page reviewed 1/09/2016