Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Chinese Medicine Board Committees
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Chinese Medicine Board Committees

The Board has appointed national committees to advise the Board and to make decisions where the Board has delegated functions under the National Law.

The following committees are made up of National Board members and others appointed for their expertise:

Policy, Planning and Communications Committee (PPCC)

The PPCC undertakes the following functions as a committee of the Board:

  • consider and advise the Board on any emerging issues that may have strategic or policy implications
  • advise the Board on matters pertaining to professional standards, codes and guidelines to be developed or adopted by the Board
  • prepare and draft codes and guidelines for Board consideration and stakeholder consultation
  • assist the Board in developing, managing and reviewing the Board’s strategic plan and work plan
  • advise the Board and participate in policy implementation and evaluation as required
  • advise on short and long term priorities within the communication strategy, and any necessary shifts in focus as the national scheme progresses and issues emerge
  • oversee the development of communication materials
  • identify opportunities for new or enhanced practitioner and/or stakeholder engagement
  • undertake other tasks as requested by the Board, and
  • report at least quarterly to the Board on matters falling within these terms of reference. 


Name Position
Sophy Athan
Committee Chair and National Board community member 
Luke Hubbard National Board health practitioner member
Craig Bennett AM
National Board community member
Hui Chen Committee health practitioner member
Yun Shen Committee health practitioner member
Simon Want National Board health practitioner member 
Marcella Lazarus
Committee community member 

National Director, Communications from Ahpra will be in attendance at meetings for communications matters only.

Policy, Planning and Communications Committee Terms of Reference (99.1 KB,PDF), Word version (394 KB,DOCX)

Registration and Notifications Committee 

The Registration and Notifications Committee undertakes the following functions as a committee of the Board:

  • make decisions in relation to registration and notification matters under the delegated authority from the Board as described in the Board’s instrument of delegation
  • provide professional and/or practitioner input to Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) staff considering Chinese medicine registration and notification matters prior to them coming to the Committee and during Committee meeting discussions
  • provide advice to Ahpra staff dealing with the Health Complaints Entities as required
  • advise the Board and Ahpra on the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of the provisions of the instrument of delegation with respect to the functions of the Committee
  • provide advice and make recommendations to the Board on relevant matters including the Committee structure, meeting format, schedule and procedures, emerging trends or issues relating to registration and notifications, and
  • consider and provide advice to the Board on matters as requested by the Board or exercise any other functions delegated to it by the Board. 


Name  Position 
Bing Tian Committee Chair and National Board practitioner member
Johannah Shergis National Board health practitioner member
Stephanie Campbell Deputy Chair and National Board community member 
Dina Tsiopelas  National Board health practitioner member
Christina Lam Committee community member 
Byeongsang Oh Committee health practitioner member
Mr Peter Kerr AM
Committee community member 

Registration and Notifications Committee Terms of Reference (182 KB,PDF), Word version (394 KB,DOCX)

Accreditation Committee

The Board has established an Accreditation Committee. To view details relating to the Accreditation Committee and other Accreditation information, please see the Accreditation section.

Immediate Action Committee

The Board has established an Immediate Action Committee, which operates within a network of immediate action committees established by other national boards to manage the Board’s immediate action powers under the national law. The membership of the immediate action committee includes member of the board, alongside members of other national boards.

Immediate Action Committee Terms of Reference (41.2 KB,PDF), Word version (51.3 KB,DOCX)

Examination Committee

The Examination Committee undertakes the following functions as a committee of the board:

  • monitor and advise the Board on lateral and longitudinal trends (and psychometrics) across examination sessions
  • review, validate and advise the Board on the collective results from each written and clinical examination session
  • monitor and advise the Board on psychometrics related to the multiple choice question (MCQ) item bank and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) stations, and
  • provide other advice requested by the Board consistent with the Committee’s purpose


Name  Position 
Brett Vaughan Committee Chair and Community member
Danforn Lim Deputy Chair and National Board health practitioner member
Yu-Ting Sun Committee health practitioner member
Augustus Chan Committee health practitioner member
Henry Liang Committee health practitioner member

Examination Committee Terms of Reference are attached.

Examination Committee Terms of Reference (277 KB), Word version (181 KB,DOCX)

Page reviewed 6/03/2025